
art: hand-lettering practice.

Aside from illustration, I've also recently become interested in hand-lettering. I see it pop up a ton on Pinterest, blogs, Etsy, all over the place. I used to have a cute little calligraphy set when I was a kid, and my dad has always been a big calligraphy junkie, so hand-lettering and I go way back. But it has become kind of trendy of late--which you won't see me complaining about, because I love the current half-messy, half-fancy aesthetic that seems to be quite popular right now. I dig it.

So, I've been dabbling a little, just for fun. I recently purchased these cheap Crayola watercolor markers (got them a couple bucks cheaper than this at Target), which look a lot like the expensive brush pens serious hand-letterers all seem to use. I'm sure there's quite a bit lacking in control and brush quality in comparison, and the color options are quite limited, but they're a good starter pack for someone who just wants to play around with it casually!

Here are a couple things I've made as I've been playing around with them:

Wilco lyrics
Lucius lyrics

And some things made with other tools:

Plain old Crayola markers! Layered over thin black Sharpie.
Sharpie pen in black
Regular Crayola markers again

Yeah, I'm definitely not too fancy or skilled at the hand-lettering stuff yet, but you have to start somewhere, right? Meanwhile, it's just fun and relaxing to play around with. As I get better at it--and buy fancier tools for it--I may work up some pieces nice enough to frame and hang in mi casa. Until then, it's a fun form of doodling--I feel like a middle schooler with her markers & notebook! ;)

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